Thursday, March 3, 2011


I feel that discriminating against others because of their race is not right. I dare not say that I have never discriminated against other races but I try to interact with them more. In my life I have witnessed many cases of racism. A few weeks ago, I was going to my friend's place to do a project. There were many people waiting for the lift. When it came, an Indian man walked in the lift. Although there was still a lot of space in the lift, none of the other people went in. I could see that the Indian man felt embarrassed.


Junius Tan said...

I think racism is a very bad practise i nthe world as people get discriminated just because of their skin colour or race and it hurts their feelings badly, you can't blame them that they are of that skin colour as they are born that way, that is why I think racial discrimination is one of the worst problems in the world regarding social issues