Monday, February 28, 2011

Mississippi Burning

I liked the movie. It has an interesting and realistic plot. At the start, I was a bit put off by the brutality in which some of the characters were being killed or treated. The bad guys were tried for arson but were suspended and did not have to go to jail in an obvious case of bias. I was a little upset even though it was a movie as the FBI had been trying to bring justice upon the bad guys but failed. But in the end, the murderers were finally caught. But they were charged on Civil rights violation and not murder, which has a much heavier sentence, as murder is a state charge where the judge will not give a fair sentence.

Anyone is guilty who watches this and does nothing

I have seen instances where people are discriminated for their physical appearance. I usually ignore the discrimination but I step in when it starts to get violent and the person getting discriminated gets hurt. I do not believe that people who are ugly or bigger in size should be discriminated against if they have done nothing wrong. The next time I see discrimination happening, I will chat with the person and make friends with to make him feel happy. I will also tell the people discriminating against him not to do so as it is wrong to hate someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

First and Third Person

Personally, I feel that using First Person is a much easier way to write. You only know your own thought and not of the other characters. This would make the stories more interesting as the readers would not know what the other characters would do next. I do not believe that first person is harder to write. It would usually depend on the situation. In stories where there are more actions, first person would be better to write. This is because the readers would be in the narrator's shoes and would be left in suspense guessing the other characters' next move. In stories where emotion and feelings are more prevalent, third person would be better. This is because readers would understand the situation more and know why the characters did what they did and not be guessing when the story ends.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Final Essay

My essay was about how I was forced to make a decision between friendship and being bullied. It started off with how I was being a very meek and quiet boy. I then decided to solve my problem. I consulted a friend and he advised me to be more sociable and start chatting more. I had more friends and as such, became grateful to my friend for his advice. Then one day, the school bully came and tried to take my lucky draw ticket which the school had given out earlier in the day. He took it and I was starting to get angry. Then my friend knocked the bully down and the teacher came running over. I was caught between my friend and being marked for death by the bully when I needed to give my side of the story. I eventually told the truth and saved my friend. This story shows how friendship is when you are put to the test and you stick with your friends no matter the consequences.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

LA Test

Today was the LA essay test.It was on compromise. I found it not too difficult but there was a lack of time to finish my essay. I was forced to rush and end my essay abruptly. I wrote about how a boy accidentally broke his best friend's most treasured possession. This made his friend very angry. The boy tried to make it up to him despite being beaten up by him. His friend was deeply touched and decided to compromise with him.