Thursday, August 18, 2011

Presidential Elections

Frankly I do not really care about this other than the holiday it provides. This would probably attributed to a few reasons. From what I know the President's main job description is that he has the final say when big projects that will take some money out of Singapore's reserves are proposed. So essentially he is a glorified secretary. But this has almost never happened with the only time being in 2009 when the Government requested to draw 4.9 billion dollars to meet the budge expenditure. Believe it or not IT WAS APPROVED. SHOCKER. WHAT SURPRISE. NEVER SAW THAT COMING. I'm not implying anything. Other than that event, there was rarely anything significant the President has done. He mostly meets other foreign ministers or presidents and goes around the world to help improve our relations with other countries. There is nothing wrong with that and I believe that it can be only beneficial. But I say it again, the only significant thing the President has ever done was to approve that request by the Government. I'm looking forward more to the holiday than the results of this election as I doubt there will be any difference in what the person who gets elected can do.