Friday, August 19, 2011


No. Not Marital Bliss. That will only come a long time later. I'm talking about my grades finally improving to decent numbers. Let me lay it down
Engish A2-A1
This is clearly going to be the best I have ever done in my life in hwachong and frankly, I'm kind of embarrassed it took nearly two years to get this close. Better late then never. I'm nearly there, nearly below 2 and I still have a chance this term although I have to be ridiculously lucky. But overall I am kind of pleased. It's kind of hard to believe that I came into this term with the extremely real risk of going to 3Q as my grades were not optimal and I completely flunked my independent studies. Ironically this post is to get me more ACE and thus improve my independent studies. But things finally started to go my way although some things (Chinese) never change. This probably sounds completely fake but nevertheless I really am going to do my best and ride on this momentum into the EOY's to get the results I want, need and will get.

We F***ing did it

Hmm. We F***ing did it? I'm obviously talking about Trinetta Chong's speech where she gracefully used the F-word in probably one of her most important speeches so far in her life. For the valedictorian I really doubt that was very bright. I mean, why did you have to use it. It caused unnecessary controversy and was definitely in no way helpful. I mean sure you wanted to motivate the crowd which are generally young. Sure you wanted to sound 'cool'. But the F-word? Really? This issue is so straightforward I frankly have nothing left to write about.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Presidential Elections

Frankly I do not really care about this other than the holiday it provides. This would probably attributed to a few reasons. From what I know the President's main job description is that he has the final say when big projects that will take some money out of Singapore's reserves are proposed. So essentially he is a glorified secretary. But this has almost never happened with the only time being in 2009 when the Government requested to draw 4.9 billion dollars to meet the budge expenditure. Believe it or not IT WAS APPROVED. SHOCKER. WHAT SURPRISE. NEVER SAW THAT COMING. I'm not implying anything. Other than that event, there was rarely anything significant the President has done. He mostly meets other foreign ministers or presidents and goes around the world to help improve our relations with other countries. There is nothing wrong with that and I believe that it can be only beneficial. But I say it again, the only significant thing the President has ever done was to approve that request by the Government. I'm looking forward more to the holiday than the results of this election as I doubt there will be any difference in what the person who gets elected can do.

London Riots

I have completely no say or concern whatsoever about this event but seeing how desperate I am I do not have much of a choice. So I'm sure you guys already know how this riots came about with financial problems and lack of jobs before riots finally sparked off after a policeman shot down a man. The youth of England started to loot all the shops they could find. One very prominent example would be Reeve's Furniture. It is quite astonishing that a shop that survived two world wars was finally burned down by a bunch of hooligans. It only goes to show how badly the youth of England are being brought up. Most of the looters do not even care about what caused the people to start rioting and are looting just for the materialistic gains. Some of them don't even do it to get something and instead do it for the thrill of it. This was shown when a few girls who were daughters of wealthy parents were caught looting shops. The youth of England have clearly not displayed any form of maturity. I may be a little young and what I say may not be true but I do not see England completely getting out of this mess. The people who are ransacking and burning down the shops and thus, economy of Britain are the very same people that England are relying on to revive their economy. These people were fortunate to have benefited from England's education system but are repaying it by ruining their country. There must definitely be something wrong within their system that is producing such hooligans and I really doubt England will grow unless they correct that error. The future looks bleak.

Movie Review: Captain America

This movie was so-so. It wasn't that great. OK FINE IT WAS HORRIBLE. I was deciding whether to watch this or Cowboys and Aliens and I clearly made the wrong choice. The graphics were worse than Green Lanterns and the hero was not cool in any way or form. The story line was decent I'll give them that but the graphics were nearly as bad as the ones in the incomplete version of X-men Origins: Wolverine. A good story-line simply cannot make up for graphics this bad and I definitely do not recommend this. The movie takes place during world war two. There is this guy who desperately wants to join the army but is unable to do so as he is too sick and frail. He eventually meets a military professor who is impressed by his never-say-die attitude and fulfills his dream of becoming a soldier by enrolling him in his super soldier program. After being injected with the serum, the professor is assassinated. But the experiment was a success and Captain America was born. So he fights an evil Nazi scientist and comes out tops ya-da-ya-da-ya-da. Don't watch this. Rip off.

Mercy & Justice

This obviously stemmed from Merchant of Venice and since I can't seem to think of anything else to write about, let's just get to it. So we all know that Mercy is a higher value than Justice as you have to forgive and forget what others did to you no matter how drastic it was. And merciful people tend to ( at least in books and movies ) be rewarded in one way or another in the end while the people who do not forgive are punished with Shylock being a very obvious and prominent example. But what exactly is the boundary between mercy and Justice? And what is deserving of being granted mercy or what is beyond help and forgiveness and Justice should just be served and punish the person?

Now that I have foolishly just set myself up with a few difficult points, let me explain my point of view. To me Mercy is essentially letting a person who has harmed you in one way or another and should be punished go. It does not mean that to be merciful you have to forgive the person. You just let him of the hook as you believe that he deserves another chance. Mercy is not forgive and forget, it's just forget.

Point Numbah 2. Whether Justice or Mercy should be meted out all depends on you. What I believe is irrelevant as your feelings towards the person decide what he gets. But for me I would only punish the person if he did it intentionally knowing full well what was going to happen and knows the consequences. There are some criminals out there that were influenced by other people which made them ,well, bad. Some of them probably do not realize the full extent of the consequences and do not understand what exactly they were doing. I would punish people like murderers who go about killing people with every intention to do so.

Merchant of Venice Facebook!/profile.php?id=100002782006726

Some of the posts by the characters were made on the other character's wall so you can only see the whole thing with all three pages open

Sunday, August 7, 2011

This I believe

Great Question. I'm not too sure. But since I have to talk about something we'll just move right along. I generally believe in helping the unfortunate who had no say in their situation but not those who were able to do something about their lives but fell down the pits of despair. I haven't actually done anything except for donating a few dollars but I believe given the ability to I will help them when I grow up. These people I feel strongly for most are the people who are too poor to feed themselves. These people were born in extremely undesirable environments and they have not been able to do anything about their situation even though they really want to. Weird as it may sound my heart really goes out to them. There are some people in this world that were fortunate enough to have be able to eat and enjoy life but take all these for granted and don't appreciate it. With over a billion people starving each day, they really need our help and we are more than able to. These guys are completely innocent and where put into this hellhole without doing anything bad. They do not deserve this and the lucky ones like us should do something to help them.