Monday, March 28, 2011

Movie Review: World Invasion Battle Los Angeles

This movie is directed by Jonathan Liebesman. It takes place in Los Angeles and is about an alien invasion. It starts with the introduction of the main character. This is then followed by reports of a meteor shower. The US army gets suspicious due to many factors and deploys the army. Shortly after, aliens emerge from the fallen meteorites and begin attacking the humans. The movie follows a platoon led by 2nd Lt William Martinez although the story revolves around Staff Sergeant Michael Nantz. After many action-packed battles the platoon is thinned down to 6 people. They discover the enemy command centre and fight a bloody battle during which another member is killed. They eventually prevail and regain aerial superiority over the aliens. I find this movie very interesting as it has a good plot and there is a lot of action.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Targets for Term 2

This may be a little early to set a target for Term 2 when I do not even know what will be taught but there is no harm done. I would like to get an A1 for Term 2 as I need to get a better MSG. I will pay more attention in class and give more valuable and sensible comments. I will also aim to be more helpful in group work and be less disruptive. Handing in quality homework in time will also be one of my goals next term. I hope that Term 2 will be a better term for everyone and that we all get an enriching learning experience

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Term 1 Reflection

For this term, I felt that we have learnt many useful different things to use in our essay writing. Although I don't get all of the methods thought, I have still benefited from it. We did many interesting things this term such as creating a comic strip. The movie 'Mississippi Burning' was a refreshing experience as I had used movies to learn. I felt that I could have done better in the Test as I only got 20/30. I believe I would have done better had I been faster. I will try and formulate the plot of the story and write faster in the next test.


I feel that discriminating against others because of their race is not right. I dare not say that I have never discriminated against other races but I try to interact with them more. In my life I have witnessed many cases of racism. A few weeks ago, I was going to my friend's place to do a project. There were many people waiting for the lift. When it came, an Indian man walked in the lift. Although there was still a lot of space in the lift, none of the other people went in. I could see that the Indian man felt embarrassed.