The bright setting sun was blocked by a group of clouds, but still illuminated the sky around it. It was a bright array of colours in the sky, with yellow around the sun, light blue a little further away and a deep dark blue far from the sun. The sea was calm and reflected the colours of the sky, making for a beautiful scene. Small fishing boats dotted the sea while one boat made its way back to shore. It was a peaceful scene with everything in place, with everything calm.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Snapshot Land
Snapshot Land
Sylvia Kantaris
In Snapshotland everyone is happy all the time.
It is the promised land where people sit with flasks of tea
On smooth sand by a flat sea and smile and smile and smile.
The sun shines all day long and every day in Kodachrome
Or sepia on sandboys and sandgirls who never
Stop smiling from the time they first appear, with buckets,
In crisp, gingham pinafores and nonnets on the sea-shore.
Lovers stay in love forever, married couples never
Grow tired of each other; everything is always just right.
The dolphins know exactly when to leap into the air
And stay there for the permanent delight of passengers
Aboard the pleasure-boat which never passes out of sight.
Nobody in Snapshotland grows old unless they want to,
Judging by the way they go on smiling so, in deck-chairs,
On the beach, or in old-fashioned gardens with lavender
And grandchildren here and there - and no one dies, ever.
Even if they don't appear later, the people are still
Always there, smiling through the lavender and dolphins
And the buckets full of pebbles on the same sea-shore.
I picked this poem as it makes perfect sense. In real life there are hardships and suffering everywhere you go. But in the world of photos everyone is smiling as though
there are no troubles at all. I feel that the world of photos would be a wonderful place if I could live there, with no worries, no concerns.
Posted by VC at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Curriculum of Identity
I was once part of a group of people that were treating a person badly. That person was not very bright and failed his tests often. He missed school for no valid reasons quite often and we weren't amused by his childish antics. We tried to ignore him and tease him. I did not feel that it would affect him at all as he did not seem to mind. In retrospect I realised that what WE did was actually childish. We did not consider the possibility that he might have some family problems at home which caused him to miss school. We also shouldn't have teased him as now I feel that his expression was not what he was actually feeling
Posted by VC at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Prejudice is where a person already has a opinion about a person or thing and affects his future judgement on it. It could be due to the persons outer appearance or the person is influenced by the people around him to believe. It could also be due to a previous event where he has encountered this person or thing. As such, the person is unlikely to give a fair judgment if he is already prejudiced. I would like to know the more common situations of prejudice and how to avoid them
Posted by VC at 10:48 AM 0 comments